Oh friends, it sounds so cliche that I type this, but please remember that during the hustle and bustle of this season:
You MUST take care of yourself first.
There are so many expectations, obligations, and traditions that we feel that we must fulfill in order to give a proper holiday. And yes, traditions and such are so important, but at what expense? Stress? Financial strain? Sickness?
I thought I was doing pretty well by giving myself a six-week deadline for custom orders and well-spaced out trunk shows. I even have sweet Krista (you’ll meet her soon!) helping me bead for trunk shows and even with her wonderful help, I couldn’t keep up. I got knocked on my butt with the stomach flu. And when you own your own business that thrives on this holiday season, you can’t afford to give up two days of work (or yoga, sigh). I am so thankful for my husband and his flexible schedule and his talents with the laundry. Did I mention that during all of this, my children also came down with two sets of ear infections, the stomach flu, and pink eye? It doesn’t end.
Sleep. Yoga. Eat well. Rest. Stop for a moment. At some point in our lives, BUSY became the new normal. The word that makes us feel important, valuable, worthy. But nobody is sitting there taking note of your schedule and your accomplishments. What they are doing is worrying about you and whether or not you are burning out. Or getting sick.
So please, this holiday season:
Be good to yourself.
Be kind.